Friday, December 2, 2011

Winds of Pasadena...and the aftermath

Wow, what a storm! I don't know if I can really describe what happened, but if I can't, there's pictures too haha.

Wednesday night, while watching X-Factor, our cable internet went out, then about 10 minutes later, the tv goes out, and finally, the house went dark.

THE Event

I began getting ready for bed in the dark, and all of a sudden I saw blue shades of light coming through the windows with some hints of orange. I looked in the backyard, and sure enough the transformer at the top of the utility pole literally blew up. Sparks were flying, and broken wires were dancing around with blue flickering lights.

We grabbed some items and joined our neighbors outside for a short while. We went back inside, and that's when the real winds started to come. We watched as the top layer of shingles from our roof started falling on the front lawn piece by piece. In the backyard, Sheldon and Lui's dog houses were moved from their normal places to a new location of nature's choosing.

One of the lines that go from the utility pole to our house (I think it's either cable or phone) broke and started flying around.


Pasadena Water and Power reported that 6,155 customers were without service. We are part of the last 330 customers who have not had power restored. They worked on the major circuit issues, but now they're tackling more complex and unique situations on a house by house basis, so who knows haha.

Perhaps I'll let pictures describe what went on the night before.

Sheldon and Lui's take on the wind

Spent most of Thursday morning piling up these roofing shingles.

I think these came from this part of the roof

The messy utility pole and some of the downed wires in our backyard.

The downed cable wire and Sheldon and Lui's new dog house locations.

Some trees down the street. Trees were down all over Pasadena, forcing us to go through all sorts of detours just to find a street without a tree blocking the road. The crazy ones are where you sent the tree uprooted with a huge section of the sidewalk with it.

Traffic signals broken in half at 3 different intersections. This was the case in alot of parts of Pasadena.

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