Monday, September 29, 2008

Another decision

Tomorrow I decide if I buy next month's bus pass which I've been doing since June, but I still can't decide if I like it or not. To help with the deciding process, here are two pictures pulled from earlier blog posts. My bus ride in the morning and my alternative mode of transportation.

The Bus: I could bore you with the details, but all in all, I save about $127.20 a month taking the bus, used to be more but gas prices have dropped a bit. So what do I get on the bus? Well, I get to hang out with all these cool people you see in the picture, watch people sneak onto the bus through the back door, watch high school kids tag up the windows, see drugs being offered, it's really quite a zoo in there.

My car: I like driving and for $127.20 a month, I get an extra 25 minutes of sleep everyday.

Thanks for the input!


Krisitna Wang said...

hmm tough decision. what would you do with another $127 in your bank account each month?

xtianrod said...

Drive the car. It will start raining soon. Do you want to be on the bus during the rain with all the smelly people?

Krisitna Wang said...

thats true... rain + bus don't go well together. but I bet it wont rain this month... maybe next month?

Andrew C. said...

you can catch up on sleep during the weekends. $127 a month can buy quite a few drinks :p

Jessica Carpio said...

Be friendly to the environment!
...then you can treat me to Cheetahs with yo extra chump change (;

Unknown said...

hehe the environmentally friendly decision would be to continue taking the bus, but i sorta like my sleep! :D

Eddy said...

I'm gonna go ahead and say it for REM. He doesn't care about the environment.

Krisitna Wang said...

so.... what was your decision?