Friday, August 13, 2010

World of Color

California Adventure's new show, World of Color was amazing!

We entered California Adventure at 9:30 AM. We had been to CA Adv before at around 9:50 (park opens at 10). People are allowed through the gates at 9:30, but you are not allowed past a certain point to go on the majority of the rides. Then at 10 AM everyone rushes to Toy Story, it's just nuts.

So there we are at 9:30, we get through the gates and everyone's rushing. Thinking that there's no point in rushing, we casually stroll through until we realize there is a "Fast Pass" for World of Color. The fast pass line was ridiculous! We were probably in line for about 30 minutes just to get a fast pass for the 9:00 PM showing of World of Colors.

The fast pass says to go to the viewing area at 7:45. We got there around 7:30, to join a crowd of people (with Fast Passes) to get into the viewing area.

Finally, the show started at 9:00 PM and it was well worth the wait. Easily the best water show I've ever seen (not many, but still), and 10 times better than Fantasmic. The choreography of the water with both the music and the movie clips was genius! I wish I could better describe it, but I have to just recommend you see it for yourself.

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